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Croatoan Scholarship 2023

The National Capital Region Croatian Folklore Ensemble "Croatoan" offers an annual scholarship to those in our Croatian community who have aided in the promotion and celebration of Croatian Folklore, Culture and Heritage in the National Capital Region. The full list of criteria for the scholarship is included in the attached letter.

Croatoan wants to continue our support of those who have been active in Croatoan at any point over the years as they pursue any level of post-secondary education.

We just wanted to emphasize that this $500 scholarship is open to anyone at any level of post-secondary education who meets the criteria outlined in the attached document. You do not need to be an active participant in Croatoan this year to qualify to apply for the scholarship.

Please read the attached Scholarship letter and feel free to submit your applications on or before March 31st, 2023. Please also feel free to forward this message to anyone you think might be interested.

We are also soliciting members for our scholarship committee to help us select the eventual winner for this year. More details are in the attached letter, on the Scholarship page, or contact if you have any questions or would like to serve on the committee.

Thank you and we look forward to your responses.


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